Excitingly imperfect
I bet you get nervous in front of a camera.
No? Really? Yeah....me neither ;)
I also have another problem: I am terribly nervous about being nervous in front of a camera, which results in a fear spiral of OH NO I WILL LOOK AWFUL AND I AM AFRAID OF LOOKING AWFUL NOOOOO which leads to a look of both defeat and defensiveness: I already *know* I will look awful so here's your awful picture, you mean camera.
(This is probably why I am on the other side of the camera for a living. Boy, there are layers here....)
However, just to be contrary, I absolutely love taking pictures of other young professionals like myself. And I fully expect them not to be nervous, and have a lovely time. Tall order!
I think this is why the most common thing I hear during a photo shoot is "Wow, this is really pretty fun! I look awesome!" (well, the most common thing I hear is "I look bad in pictures!" followed by "Am I smiling weird??", but this is a close third).
YES. This is pretty fun. And you do look awesome. And since it's okay with me that you *not* look directly at the camera, or we play with angles, or I look for a place you feel comfortable or a way to shoot you that makes you comfortable...we will have fun and great results. You will look beautifully, excitingly, magically imperfect.
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