WeeCycle Interview!
I have been volunteering as WeeCycle's photographer for the past year, and through that time, I have learned so much about the ways that WeeCycle makes a deep and lasting impact on families. So, I asked one of WeeCycle's founders, Jayme Ship-Ritchie, to tell my readers a little bit more about WeeCycle and all of the wonderful work they do. Now, enough from me--let's get to the good stuff!
What inspired you to start WeeCycle?
I had a newborn and wanted to volunteer but couldn't find the right opportunity that I could bring the baby with me and I couldn't afford a babysitter while I was volunteering. I couldn't carry the hot food and the baby to deliver for meals on wheels, wasn't permitted to bring an infant with me for other organizationss. So, I decided to create my own non-profit that would focus on helping kids but would also be kid friendly so that other parents could get their children involved. I did some reseach on infant and tolddler focused organizations and found several orgs like weecycle in other parts of the country but nothing local.
How does WeeCycle impact the lives of Colorado children?
WeeCycle impacts the lives of Colorado children by providing them with safe, educational and age appropriate baby gear that they would not otherwise have access to. Each month, WeeCycle distributes over 100 items of new and gently used baby gear to its network of partner organizations. These partner organizations serve Denver metro area families with infants and toddlers who are coping with poverty, homelessness, teen pregnancy, domestic violence and unemployment or under-employment. Each partner agency screens the families to make sure that they truly need resources from WeeCycle upon initiating requests for baby gear. A majority of WeeCycle gear recipients are single mothers and minorities (including African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans). WeeCycle works closely with its partner agencies to better understand the family’s needs, and their current circumstances. When planning to distribute gear, WeeCycle also factors in the ages of children, size of family, and any specific needs. For example, WeeCycle provides portable gear to families who are living in a temporary situation, breast pumps, nursing pillows, and milk storage items for moms who are breast feeding and extra toys for siblings.
Do you think that starting WeeCycle has made you a better parent? A better consumer of baby and kid gear? A better mom?
WeeCycle has definitely made me a better parent by enabling me to teach my daughter, first hand, the importance of helping others. Even at 3 years old, I think that is such an important lesson. She helps me sort and clean the baby gear every week! WeeCycle has also made me a smarter consumer about baby gear. I am always in the know about current recalls and I get lots of feedback regarding the ease of use of products.
If you would like to support WeeCycle, why don't you check them out more at their AWESOME fundraiser in May--Blues, Brews, and BBQs! It's going to be a great time, and you can even bid on a chance to take a photography class with me... :) fun times!
Reader Comments (2)
Jayme works tirelessly for WeeCycle and is such an inspiration. Thanks for this wonderful feature on her!!
Thanks, Jenny! Jayme is a true leader in our community, and WeeCycle is such a wonderful organization.